Archives of Preventive Medicine Submit Manuscript

    Upper cervical spine syndrome: A new perspective

    DOI Logo 10.17352/apm.000036

    Published On: June 24, 2024 | Pages: 018 - 021

    Author(s): Rob Sillevis* and Anne Weller Hansen

    ORCID Logo  0000-0003-2245-0996

    Abstract View Full Article View

    Foods and nutrients consumption and the risk of gallstone disease: A nested case-control study in Rosario, Argentina

    DOI Logo 10.17352/apm.000035

    Published On: January 10, 2024 | Pages: 008 - 017

    Author(s): Agustina Bertola Compagnucci*, Herman A Perroud, Stella M Batallés and Stella M Pezzotto*
    Abstract View Full Article View

    Evaluation of COVID-19 anxiety level and COVID-19 vaccine acceptance of the Turkish citizens during the pandemic period

    DOI Logo 10.17352/apm.000034

    Published On: January 08, 2024 | Pages: 001 - 007

    Author(s): Pelin Yıldırım, Cemal Kavasoğulları, Cumali Uri, Rabia Kılaç and Ersin Akpınar*
    Abstract View Full Article View


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