Archives of Community Medicine and Public Health Submit Manuscript

    Virtual community medicine in sparsely populated regions: A case study from Northern Sweden

    DOI Logo 10.17352/2455-5479.000208

    Published On: May 03, 2024 | Pages: 007 - 009

    Author(s): Andreas Koch*

    ORCID Logo  0000-0001-9847-5108

    The short case study outlines the potential that Virtual Health Rooms (VHRs) can exhibit to mitigate a lack of public health services and community medicine infrastructure in sparsely populated and demographically ageing regions. Although the VHR idea has its strengths in surmounting a relatively low medical service environment, it is, nonetheless, a technologically d ... CrossMark Publons Harvard Library HOLLIS Search IT Semantic Scholar Get Citation Base Search Scilit OAI-PMH ResearchGate Academic Microsoft GrowKudos Universite de Paris UW Libraries SJSU King Library SJSU King Library NUS Library McGill DET KGL BIBLiOTEK JCU Discovery Universidad De Lima WorldCat VU on WorldCat
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    Effectiveness of 4th doses of bivalent mRNA vaccine in reinfections from October 2022 to October 2023 in a general medicine office in Toledo (Spain)

    DOI Logo 10.17352/2455-5479.000207

    Published On: March 14, 2024 | Pages: 001 - 006

    Author(s): Jose Luis Turabian*

    ORCID Logo  0000-0002-8463-171X

    Background: The effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccine in preventing reinfections is uncertain and there is little community-level research published at this time. Objective: To compare the cases of COVID-19 reinfections in vaccinated versus not vaccinated 4th dose people with bivalent mRNA vaccines and assess the effectiveness of this vaccine booster. Methodology: A ... CrossMark Publons Harvard Library HOLLIS Search IT Semantic Scholar Get Citation Base Search Scilit OAI-PMH ResearchGate Academic Microsoft GrowKudos Universite de Paris UW Libraries SJSU King Library SJSU King Library NUS Library McGill DET KGL BIBLiOTEK JCU Discovery Universidad De Lima WorldCat VU on WorldCat
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